There is always a requirement of creating a program that uploads a file in an internal table for some reason or the other. I end up copying some old program and then modifying it to reflect the new structure. I thought it’s easier to make generic program that does the upload based on the structure definition using RTTS. The program needs the name of the structure, whether there is a header or not and field separator. Here is the template:
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZUPLOAD*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*REPORT zupload.*----------------------------------------------------------------------** CLASS lcl_report DEFINITION*----------------------------------------------------------------------***----------------------------------------------------------------------*CLASS lcl_report DEFINITION.PUBLIC SECTION.CLASS-METHODS:open_file RETURNING value(r_file) TYPE string.METHODS:read_file IMPORTING i_file TYPE string,convert_file2struc IMPORTING i_header TYPE booleani_separator TYPE c.PRIVATE SECTION.CONSTANTS:struc_name TYPE string VALUE 'ZST_TEST01'. " Put yours in hereDATA:t_filecontent TYPE string_table,d_struc_content TYPE REF TO data.ENDCLASS. "lcl_report DEFINITION
DATA:o_report TYPE REF TO lcl_report.SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK file WITH FRAME TITLE text-001.PARAMETERS:p_file TYPE string.SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK file.AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_file.p_file = lcl_report=>open_file( ).START-OF-SELECTION.CREATE OBJECT o_report.o_report->read_file( i_file = p_file ).END-OF-SELECTION.* The file will be loaded in the data object d_struc_contento_report->convert_file2struc( i_header = ''i_separator = '' )."cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab ).
*----------------------------------------------------------------------** CLASS lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION*----------------------------------------------------------------------***----------------------------------------------------------------------*CLASS lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION.METHOD open_file.DATA:l_t_file_table TYPE TABLE OF file_table,l_s_file_table TYPE file_table,l_rc TYPE i.CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialogCHANGINGfile_table = l_t_file_tablerc = l_rcEXCEPTIONSfile_open_dialog_failed = 1cntl_error = 2error_no_gui = 3not_supported_by_gui = 4OTHERS = 5.IF sy-subrc <> 0.MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgnoWITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.ENDIF.READ TABLE l_t_file_table INTO l_s_file_table INDEX 1.r_file = l_s_file_table-filename.ENDMETHOD. "open_file
METHOD read_file.CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_uploadEXPORTINGfilename = i_file* has_field_separator = 'X'CHANGINGdata_tab = t_filecontentEXCEPTIONSfile_open_error = 1file_read_error = 2no_batch = 3gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4invalid_type = 5no_authority = 6unknown_error = 7bad_data_format = 8header_not_allowed = 9separator_not_allowed = 10header_too_long = 11unknown_dp_error = 12access_denied = 13dp_out_of_memory = 14disk_full = 15dp_timeout = 16not_supported_by_gui = 17error_no_gui = 18OTHERS = 19.IF sy-subrc <> 0.MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgnoWITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.ENDIF.ENDMETHOD. "read_file
METHOD convert_file2struc.DATA:l_struc TYPE REF TO data,l_o_datadescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_datadescr,l_o_tabledescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr,l_t_fields TYPE string_table,l_s_fields TYPE string.FIELD-SYMBOLS:<l_filecontent> TYPE ANY,<l_field> TYPE ANY,<l_row> TYPE ANY,<l_struc_content> TYPE table.* Create the structurel_o_datadescr ?= cl_abap_datadescr=>describe_by_name( struc_name ).CREATE DATA l_struc TYPE HANDLE l_o_datadescr.ASSIGN l_struc->* TO <l_row>.* Create the tableTRY.CALL METHOD cl_abap_tabledescr=>createEXPORTINGp_line_type = l_o_datadescrRECEIVINGp_result = l_o_tabledescr.CATCH cx_sy_table_creation .ENDTRY.CREATE DATA d_struc_content TYPE HANDLE l_o_tabledescr.ASSIGN d_struc_content->* TO <l_struc_content>.IF i_header = abap_true.DELETE t_filecontent INDEX 1.ENDIF.LOOP AT t_filecontent ASSIGNING <l_filecontent>.IF i_separator IS INITIAL. " File is same as structure<l_row> = <l_filecontent>.ELSE.*---split based on the separatorSPLIT <l_filecontent> AT i_separator INTO TABLE l_t_fields.LOOP AT l_t_fields INTO l_s_fields.ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-tabix OF STRUCTURE <l_row> TO <l_field>.<l_field> = l_s_fields.ENDLOOP.ENDIF.APPEND <l_row> TO <l_struc_content>.ENDLOOP.ENDMETHOD. "convert_file2struc
can any one help me to solve the following issue:
Disabling the print button in PDF which is embedded in web dynpro abap.
Many thanks for the code.
Maybe I am missing something but shouldn't the 4th last line read as follows?:
APPEND {l_field} TO {l_struc_content}.
refers to column of . In the loop above gets updated one column at a time and then appended to .
Could you please repost your comment using different brackets? the page thinks they are html tags. Thanks
{l_field} refers to column of . In the loop above {l_row} gets updated one column at a time and then appended to {l_struc_content}.
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